Technical Solutions

Event logs provide historical information that can help you track down system and security problems.This will provide you a great insight in to your current infrastructure to mitigate problems that can cause down-time and security issues. We currently support solutions for the following log sources: a. Windows Event Logs
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Event logs provide historical information that can help you track down system and security problems.This will provide you a great insight in to your current infrastructure to mitigate problems that can cause down-time and security issues. We currently support solutions for the following log sources:

a. Windows Event Logs

b. Server Logs including IIS  logs , apache logs etc

c. Linux Security logs

d. Instrumentation Devices Logs

We utilize the following open source solutions:

I- Elastic Search , Logstash , Kibana *

2. Mail Servers &  Mail Applications

I- Sendmail

II- Postfix

III- Squirrel Mail

IV- Horde

3. BigData Platforms

I- Hadoop

4. Infrastructure Monitoring

We support:

1. Nagios Core

2. Zabbix

3. GroundWork Monitor

4. Gangalia


5. Storage

I- FreeNas

II- GlusterFS

6. WebServers applications.

I-   Apache

II-  Nginx

III- Tomcat

7. Security Services

I- Public Key Infrastructure PKI

II- Security Cards solutions
